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The Mumbling bubles

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

At times, it is best not to hope and not to expect anything at all. Hope is something dangerous.

And sadly, I erase mine. It's been such a ride.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

To Kill Time (While Waiting for Next Week)

New on my shelf... 

And the book that I've been wanting to read, but never got the chance to buy (and I bought it last week, at last..)

Haven't read the last one, but somehow managed to read half of the first one (and still going). I personally love the twist of modern mythology, fantasy and battle in a very american way. The protagonist, Shadow, has became one of my favorite taciturn characters ever. I expect a surprising ending from this book. As for A Game of Thrones, well, the popularity of the serials is enough said, but I'm looking for a detailed, not-in-the-movie descriptions of characters and plots. Ah, remind me of how I used to sit and read LOTR trilogy, Eragon (and the following books), Abarat, and many other fantasy novel. Oh the joy of reading!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Are you OK#2?

Harmonizing ourself with reality, is a thing easy to said, but can be very tricky to be done. But still, for the sake of being content, gotta do that.

Just saying.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are you Ok?

This website is somehow funny yet it made me do some reading on objective reality. And one of the best excerpt from many sources about objective reality is this one:
....It does not matter if you like the view of reality or not. It is how things are. If you like it or don't like it, that's your business -- it's not the business of reality. If you don't like how things are, the best you can do is to find out why, so that you can begin to harmonize yourself with it. Otherwise, you will suffer. This doesn't mean reality is punishing you. It simply means that if you harmonize yourself with reality, you will experience a sense of peace and freedom, and if you don't, you will experience discord. (Facets of Unity, pg 255)

Jleb. At the end , it is all about our perception of objective reality, really.. Everything is simply a reality as it is. Whether we're ok with that or not..that is up to us. For now, gotta do some checking on my setting of perception then. Later Alligator!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Mantra

" The only race, is with yourself. The only competition, is with your fears, doubts and personal ghosts. The only thing you have to beat is your own limit "

Repeat when in massive attack of mood swing. Like now.

Gosh I'm really sometimes too hard on myself. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's Reminder : L.O.V.E

I stumble upon this beautiful article about love. OK, article about love is overrated but this one  is about kids 4-8 years old describes love - and instead of cheesy, it gets me as sincere, naive, honest and funny. As I read along,  my eyes get stuck on this  :

 “You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it.

But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”
jessica – age 8

Well, this kid is very perceptive, I should say.

In our daily routine, we often take things for granted, we often forget to say to the ones we love how much they mean for us. We often take their presence for granted, and we get used to them being around us. But what if somehow, someday, they suddenly stop being around?  That someday God decides to no longer prolong their presence in our life? It will be very sad and ironic, if we never let the ones we love know about the fact that we love them, that their presence mean the world for us. That they are irreplaceable and worth the whole universe. In fact, our universe somehow exist because of them :)

Text your dad. Call your mom. Email your siblings. IM your cousins and relatives. Contact your dear friends, near or far. Kiss your significant  other. Hug your pets,

And tell them how much you love them :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012


...karena pas pulang senam dan supercapek, janjian dinner sama patjarsky di BC dan saya tiba2 light headed dan nggak sanggup keluar mobil, si bubsky tercinta nyamperin ke mobil di tempat parkir, mengambil alih posisi driver dan menaruh sebuah plastik di back seat. Isi plastik Gramedia itu ternyata ...

Si paket trilogy Hunger Games yang udah lama
banget saya pengenin tapi nggak pernah sempat
terbeli. Pun lagi diskon 20% pula. 


What can I say, I have the best :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday 5!

Recaps...recaaaaps...Ayo kita recaaaps.. Yang mestinya Friday 5, karena besok good friday, jadi direcap hari ini aja. So here's what lately has been happening..

  1. Sukses punya account tabungan baru di bank C*MB buat tabungan 'tujuan akhir'. Pelan-pelan aja sih, yang penting tiap bulan menyisihkan dari gaji. Untuk bulan Maret, Alhamdulillah sudah disisihkan. Semangat nabuuung!! yah yah patj? ;p  Semoga dimudahkan, aminnn :)
  2. Resmi pindah ruangan barengan bapak RST dan bapak-bapak dan ibu Study and Methodology and Data Management. Glek, berasa  resmi masuk data management team (padahal masi separo kaki di TUNU, yuuuuks 11 wells yang masi utang, apakabar??). Workstation saya ditaruh di sudut yang lumayan asyik kalo 9gag-an gak keliatan. Ruangannya  menyenangkan, banyak cahaya masuk tapinya juga kaya akuarium.. tapi entah kenapa saya kangen bercandaan gak jelas dan bully-bully an di TUNU PTR room...
  3. Si anak kecil bandel berantem sama kucing lain. Daerah deket ekornya luka dan cukup dalam. Pas dibawa ke Vet, akhirnya diputuskan nggak usah dijahit, cukup dibersihkan+sunti anti biotik+ dikasi propolis tiap hari. Etapi saya baru tahu, si propolis ini kalau buat luka, manjur ya.... 3 hari dan lukanya sudah mulai nutup dan kering. Cepat sembut ya naknak kecil!!
  4. Rutin jadi endorphine junkies lagi. Senin-Kamis treadmill, Selasa-Sabtu-Minggu Yoga, Rabu-Jum'at senam. Well, hasilnya amat kelihatan sih.. Si maag akut terjinakkan, asam lambung gak kumat-kumat, pusing dan migrain mulai menghilang kecuali pas lagi stress dan banyak pressure, plus jadi lebih ringan dan segar. Berat badan? Don't even ask. I do those sports in order to get healthy, not to get skinny *Keinget obrolan di studio senam dimana cewe2 yang udah kurus tapi gak bersyukur berisik bandingin berat badan dan jadi ribet sendiri gara-gara a few pounds. Saya? Biar mbul tapi syehat :p*
  5. Le wild examination - faux debutant score: 88.5. Hamdallah... padahal itu ujiannya timingnya mepet-mepet dan mulai lebih cepet, karena malemnya ngejar pesawat buat long wiken di jekarda. Si patjar (yang as usual, optimis), have a good feeling about 'paris'. Saya yang rada pesimis ini, diam-diam juga pengen dan mengamini, hihihi.. :p 
Paris a soir. Mon reve.

It's a wrap! Now back to Handil completion logs task force! Osh!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

...Setelah lihat

... berita ini ,

jadi ngarep kalo 2014 sudah bisa punya properti sendiri yang bisa didandanin..hihihihi. Amiiiin ya Rabb..  :) *dan mesti siap-siap jiwa raga serta kantong juga. Secara, sekarang aja kalo ke ace hardware/informa/index/jims bawaannya pengen belibelii...*. Hehe, a wish wouldn't hurt, would it? Lagian kan properti adalah investasi yang steady.. :p


Dari 'hutang' 73 backlog wells dari tim TUNU, hutang saya adalah 8 wells for final interpretation!!! (11 wells, begitu yang 3 well selesai di validate untuk provisional issued. I. am. doomed)

*melipir ke sudut pelan-pelan*
*lirik tumpukan QC sheet yang dibalikin terus*
*setengah bersyukur karena udah gak di operation lagi*
*lirik kerjaan data management yang juga numpuk*
*Yahudahlah buka 9gag aja - EH?!*

C'est la travail!

Ter-geek 2012

...adalah ketika dari kemarin si samsung Galaxy S2 nge drain battery dan panas, dan saya memutuskan untuk observasi HP mulai pagi hari ini...lalu di follow up dengan iseng mengirim email observation report ke patjar yang dibikin (sok) resmi dan.... ternyata dibales super resmi lengkap dengan inTouch ticket (bo'ongan) a la SLB...lengkap dengan penjelasan, ticket history dan embel-embel lainnya!! Hihihihi. I smiled ear to ear reading patjar's reply, sungguh ter-Geek 2012 deh!! Ini internal joke banget, dan pasti yang bisa 'ngeh' adalah yang pernah kerja di si biru ato yang mantan si biru (kayak saya). Hihi, pengen banget nunjukin copy ato printscreen emailnya, tapi karena ada alamat email kantor saya dan patjar yang takutnya bisa berujung ke hal-hal yang nggak diinginkan, jadinya gak bisa dikasi liat lengkapnya dsini deh..

Anyway, here's the 'main part' yang sukseus bikin senyum lebar saking geek-nya. Internal joke abisss!!! Well, one thing I really love (amongst many other lovable quality) from patjar is that he always can (and try to find a way to) make me smile. 

Samsung Galaxy S2 drain abnormally high amount of power from the batery
05-Apr-2012 10:05:12 – Wini,
First of all please kindly bear in mind that there are no such thing called the root causes in this world. The root cause can go down to infinity – depending on how deep we want to dig the cause. This will of course determine the amount of immediate cause we can physically tackle.
Now coming back to your problem, in my opinion, the immediate cause of the problem could be derived into two, i.e. the phone’s power system failing (resulting in an abnormal power consumption), or simply a defective battery. Phone’s power system would be something that we could not figure out at this point. However, a defective battery should be more obvious to observe. I strongly encourage you to continue observing your phone’s battery level every hour and use it like normally (keep disabling your 3g and Wifi for now) while comparing with mine. Whatever the result will be this evening, let’s swap battery and compare the result.
Marfan Trihartiko
04-Apr-2012 04:00:41 - EQUIPMENT IN QUESTION
Samsung Galaxy S2
04-Apr-2012 04:00:41 - TROUBLESHOOTING
1.  Restarting The Phone
2.  Fully Charge the battery
3.  Send a couple of sms
4.  Play pedo bear for 5 mins
5.  Continue observation
04-Apr-2012 04:00:41 - PROBLEM DETAILS
To: Maintenance Engineer BPN
Here’s the observation report
Jam 09:35 -> No application ( include SMS ) -> 90%
Jam 09:40 -> Start to send/receive  SMS. Battery level -> 89% 
Jam 09:43 -> Start game Triple town a.k.a pedobear without any other application running
Jam 09:53 -> Stop game. Battery level 85%.
All active application is closed now. No 3G, WiFi, or Bluetooth connection. No significant heating observed. I do hope that this would help in our further observation in order to look for the root cause of the problem. Thanks a lot for your kind help
Wini -Miss PTR

Kok jadi kangen submit ticket ke inTouch ya??hihihi...*di T*Tal EP gak ada macem2 inTouch gini siy..;p*


...Kalau selama ini, tiap aku menghadapMu,
hanya keluh kesah saja yang keluar
...Kalau selama ini, tiap tangan ini menengadah untuk do'a,
aku selalu saja meminta
...berkeluh tentang hidup yang keras,
dan memohon diringankan
...bercerita tentang ujian yang diberikan,
dan memohon diluluskan

Minta ini, minta itu
Keluh ini, Keluh itu

Ah maaf, kalau selama ini aku menjadikanMu tempat mengadu,
[Padahal sejatinya Kau Maha Tahu]
..menjadikan saat berbicara denganMu sebagai pelampiasan ketika duka mendera
[Dimana aku kala bahagia? Adakah aku berbicara padaMu dan mengabarkan syukurku?]
..menjadikan saat berbicara denganMu sebagai hanya saat meminta..
[Padahal harusnya jika aku percaya Kau selalu disana, Kau selalu memberi, tanpa aku meminta]

Ah, maafkan aku ya..

Kali ini, aku akan berusaha
untuk lebih banyak bercerita 
tentang betapa hidup aku
mensyukurinya, dalam tiap doa
bahkan dalam cobaan
yang memang tak akan berhenti, bukan?
[daripada mengeluhkan semua duka
dan meminta semua yang aku belum punya]

Kali ini, pelan pelan..
kukabarkan bahwa aku menjalani pemberianMu
dengan sepenuhnya
[bahagia.sedih.marah.gembira.kecewa.jatuh cinta.semangat.malas.kalah.menang]

makhlukMu yang satu ini,
memang perlu belajar banyak..


Sunday, March 18, 2012

To all anti-feminist 'say no to mini skirt' campaigns out there...

...and don't you dare making the analogy of "kucing mana yang nolak kalau dikasih ikan asin". Man supposed to be not as shallow, as immoral and as un-collected as a cat. And oh, a well mannered cat (who got feed regularly on her bowl with nice cat food everyday) even wont jump and steal your served-on-the-table-and-it-is-delicious foods, since the cat knows that the food doesn't belong to her. Man is more than that, I believe. And oh, if you're a man (or worse, a woman), comparing a woman (with mini skirt or not) to ikan asin is just simply wrong. Putting woman in a place of an (victimized) object, and not as an equal subject to men, is not the right approach if you want to solve the issue of sexual harassment. There goes my 2 cents. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Woman's Day

Celebrating women's day, I read some twits about how wonderful it is to be a woman. About how awesome we are. About how beautiful we are. About the hype that is the time to celebrate ourself being a woman. But behind those scenes, women around the globes are suffering. I'd like to share some of amusing facts from here. And in accordance to the celebration of woman's day, I'd like to share these facts, and ask for a minute of silence. The sentences in italic are my own  personal thoughts, feel free to agree or disagree.
  • Women perform 66% of the world’s work, but receive only 11% of the world’s income, and own only 1% of the world’s land. Ever wonder why Indonesian factory owner prefer buruh wanita? Ever wonder why there are some gap of income, based on gender? Ever wonder how woman would actually take ANY means of work when it comes to saving their family, include a low paid buruh cuci, madi, even buruh bangunan and tukang ojek. And here I am being ungrateful about the salry I made.
  • Women make up 66% of the world’s illiterate adults. Those who have privilages to information like us, we should do something to help. For underprivileged woman, being literate means having more access to information that can open their eye, build their awareness of their rights, and help them to get a better life. Information, nowadays, is everywhere. But having access to it, is a privilege.
  • Women head 83% of single-parent families. The number of families nurtured by women alone doubled from 1970 to 1995 (from 5.6 million to 12.2 million). Here we are talking about women as the backbone of the family, and still, they earn less compared to their male colleagues. Woman would do anything, I repeat, anything when it comes to their family's survival. I had been in this situation, where without my mother, my family wouldn't be the one you see right now.
  • Women account for 55% of all college students, but even when women have equal years of education it does not translate into economic opportunities or political power. Exactly. Women all over the world has been struggling for this : To have their voice and aspiration being listened to. To have policies and regulation that not only benefit mankind, but also benefit woman.  
  • There are six million more women than men in the world. See the previous point. Woman are superior in number, yet their voice is not being heard. Yet violence happens to them almost all the time, and it is kept hidden down below. Yet access to education, information, and public facilities are somewhat being limited in some countries.
  • Two-thirds of the world’s children who receive less than four years of education are girls. Girls represent nearly 60% of the children not in school. I read this and feel ashamed for all of the time I complained about having to go to school back then. It is seen here that again, the world does not think it is important for women to gain knowledge and have access to informations. Some still think that girls belong to the house, and well, it is ok for them not to continue their education. This is definitely not cool. 
  • Parents in countries such as China and India sometimes use sex determination tests to find out if their fetus is a girl. Of 8,000 fetuses aborted at a Bombay clinic, 7,999 were female. Battle of sexes and preference that has been going on for centuries : male are preferred to woman. For some cultural shit reasons, I'd say. Even at prophet Mohammed's time, the arabs would kill or desert their baby girl. Seemingly, the price of life is cheaper when you're a girl. 
  • Wars today affect civilians most, since they are civil wars, guerrilla actions and ethnic disputes over territory or government. 3 out of 4 fatalities of war are women and children. Who else? Wars are men's playground. Women mostly would opt for stability and peace. Plus, they are helpless amidst the casualties of war. I always believe that given the option, any woman would go for peace instead of war. 
  • Rape is consciously used as a tool of genocide and weapon of war. Tens of thousands of women and girls have been subjected to rape and other sexual violence since the crisis erupted in Darfur in 2003. There is no evidence of anyone being convicted in Darfur for these atrocities. Talking about Darfur always broke my heart. Those rapist and soldiers, they forgot that it is a womb of a mother that brought them to the world. 
  • About 75% of the refugees and internally displaced in the world are women who have lost their families and their homes. Help. Behind the buzz of fashion weeks across the globe, there are these homeless, helpless woman crying for help. Not to be pitied of, but to be empowered and accepted. But the cry for help always lost and being silenced, as always, when it comes to woman. 
  • Gender-based violence kills one in three women across the world and is the biggest cause of injury and death to women worldwide, causing more deaths and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accident, and war. Again, as I stated in the previous point, the price of life is cheaper when you're a woman. Some men thinks they owe women, and it is ok to treat them in whatever way they want. 

I am thankful that I was born as a woman. 

I cried for my fellow sisters across the globe, who are suffered, who are seeking for helps, who are helpless, who are murdered, who are treated inhumane. I cried for my fellow privileged sisters who did not knows about this facts. I cried for their ignorance. I cried for myself, my helpless, privileged self that has done nothing. I am aware we can't save all of the women in the world in a blink of time, I do. But I believe, if a woman would empower another woman, we'll end up helping ourselves, and helping humanity.

So today, empower any women, any girls near you. Inform them about gender issues. Help them learn. Teach them to read. Help them building a small business. Cooperate with them. Build a female-friendly working place. Hold their hands. Tell them that life's worth the same, for both male and female. 

Happy women's day, ladies :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

About people..

Some people come, some people go.
The foot print and traces they left will remain anyway
As memory (treasured or not), as impact, as inspiration,
but more importantly, as lessons learned.
I've learned (and am still learning) mine the hard way.

Some people come, some people go, indeed.
Life opens door to let people in, or out
But it is us (me) to choose who will stay in our heart
Some people may come in, but never stay,
Some people may leave, but never truly go away, never go astray

For those who have been there during my fall,
For those who have been there during my triumphant time,
For those who teach me how to differentiate
Fakes from the greats
Mates from the snakes
For those who have been here all along,
regardless distance, regardless the difference
For those who hold my hand when I'm in pain
For those who were with me when I had nothing at all
For those who plotted my fall
For those who left me down on pouring rain

For some, I'd like to hug in appreciation
Others, I hope our path never cross in any option
Say, I'm immature,
I forgive but still I couldn't forget easily
Say, but one thing for sure

I am truly grateful.
The lesson you each teach me will remain

Monday, February 27, 2012

Waktu untuk merindu: reviews

Awalnya, saya tidak pernah mengira saya akan (akhirnya) mempublikasikan tulisan saya. Bujukan demi bujukan, mulai dari guru bahasa indonesia saya di SMA hingga beberapa teman, tidak mampu membuat saya 'rela' berbagi tulisan saya. Bukan apa-apa, saya sebenarnya bukan seorang penulis cerita. Saya hanyalah seseorang yang suka menulis puisi. Mengapa puisi? Karena untuk saya, ia adalah tumpahan hati, buku diary yang terenkripsi dalam rima dan bait. Hanya saya yang tahu cerita lengkap dibalik setiap puisi yang saya buat. 

Hingga kawan-kawan saya, agni, verta dan damar membujuk saya untuk ikut menulis cerpen di Nulis Buku Club Balikpapan. Saat itu saya nampaknya sedang kesambet roh cerpen, jadi saya iya kan saja. Salah satu cepennya pun bukan murni cerpen, melainkan lebih ke pemrosaan puisi saya. Cerpen satunya lagi, terinspirasi lagu "If I die tonight" nya Too Phat. Well, at least I tried to write, pikir saya waktu itu. Saya sadar, karya saya masih amat jauh dari bagus. 

Ketika buku "Waktu Untuk Merindu" akhirnya terbit, saya tidak mengira akan ada beberapa orang yang me-review buku ini. Sayapun merasa campur aduk, antara nervous, senang dan...jujur saja, takut. Anyway, ini adalah link beberapa review untuk buku ini. Silahkan beli bukunya dan let me know what you think (and maybe write another review? :p)

I feel truly honored. Whoever you are, thank you for the reviews :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Taken from here


Rant that keeps me up all night

Have you ever wanted something so bad?
Have you ever felt so powerless, that things are beyond your control and you can do almost nothing to reach it?

I do. And it does not feels good.
I hate when things I need to have control over, are beyond. I used to be able to thrive for what I want, and yet now all I can do is learning the art of nothing. The art of doing no struggle but waiting, patiently. And I can't say that patience is my best virtue (that is why those who are closest with me, always wish me one) and believe me, I am learning to be patient. But sometimes, knowing that I am not able to do the slightest thing to make it comes true, it frustrates me. Oh believe me, I tried to do things that I hope later would evoke and get me closer to what I want, but eventually I realize that it is something I don't have control over..

It is said that all I need to strive in, is on a battle with myself, on how to make myself a better person so that later I would deserve to get what I want. To make myself worth for what I want. But the question later would be, am I than not worthy? From the way I see it, continues improvement of myself lay on a different ground with the strive on getting what I want - so that these two aren't comparable. 

It is not also that I am ungrateful about what I have now. I am fully aware on how much struggle I've done, how many sacrifice I've made, and how much feeling kept aback to get me where I am now. I am truly grateful. Being grateful doesn't mean that you can't dream of something and want it badly, right? Or this is a sign that I am being a spoiled, ungrateful brat? With too much whines and nags and complaints on why I can't get what I want. On why can't I do anything to get it. Or maybe I am just too complicated and need to loosen up and let go.

Probably it is right that I need to let go. To detach myself from this thing that I want badly. But to detach means that I need not to want it any longer, and I can't. They say, when we let go and accept thing as it is sincerely, we would ended up getting what we need (not necessarily what we want). Maybe, but I am not to gamble over this. Or am I? I am not even sure.

I am not sure about a few things right now, including myself. When I am tired, I tend to be unsure. I need to find my balance, pronto, and decide what to do in order to fix all of this thing. Maybe I need to fix myself. Maybe I need to fix my expectation and hope (read: what I want). Maybe I just need a time away to think. Whatever it is, I am restless right now. I need to be with myself in center sanity and serenity. Which now seems afar. Gosh even writing this makes me feel hazy. I don't even know why I ended up writing this rant. Maybe I need to put meditation on my daily routine.

Mengapa sulit sekali untuk bisa hidup dengan tenang?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It is (kinda) official! (And why am I scarred, again?)

Kenapa giliran resmi ada pengumuman kalau saya bakal pindah team, kok rasanya malah aneh ya? Padahal saya juga yang dulu mengajukan, karena ingin punya pengalaman baru sebagai PTR data management.. Tapi entah kenapa, nggak melihat nama saya ada di kolom Tunu Team kok rasanya..sedikit sedih. 

Apa gara-gara team leader Tunu Team yang amat baik dan korporatif (untung si mas team leader gak tau blog saya, kalo tau bisa2 idungnya makin besar hihihi), atau member team Tunu yang solid dan saling mem-back up? Atau gara-gara di tim yang baru ini kesempatan untuk dapat recuperation itu bisa dibilang sangat kecil? (FYI, Saya banci recup ketika di tim tunu. Rush data pas weekend? Hajaaaar maaang! Akhirnya jatah recup saya menumpuk dan bisa dipakai buat jalan-jalan ataupun pulang ke Jkt hampir tiap bulan :D) Atau karena saya masih ragu, bisa nggak ya men-sinkron kan diri dengan ritme dan pola kerja si mbak data management? Secara kan ya tim data management PTR ini kecil, cuma duo female saja. Atau gara-gara saya sebel harus pindah tempat, padahal posisi workstation saya sekarang sudah super PW....

Ah, Ketakutan dan kekhawatiran ini kan sebenarnya datang dari asumsi-asumsi saya tentang scope pekerjaan baru di team yang baru. Lagian kan sebenarnya kalau soal recuperation mestinya saya bisa bertanya, adakah cara untuk tetap dapet recup? hihihi. (Ketauan sebenernya kalau main concern saya adalah si recuperation ini :p)

Weeeell, ketakutan dan kekhawatiran apapun itu yang saya punya, nasi sudah jadi bubur, jadi mending bikin bubur ayam yang enak kaya di tawan *slurp* *laperrr, apa nanti lunch makan bubur tawan ya?* *loh kok jadi ngomongin makanan??* Tim baru, kerjaan baru, berarti pengalaman dan exposure  yang lebih untuk saya. Lagipula, saya bisa say goodbye  ke rush data dan picking point di jam-jam yang aneh (read: picking point di tengah malam atau pagi buta, weekend maupun weekdays). 

Anyhoo, regardless my rants here and there, PTR new organization is out and published already! Ooosh!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today's Rant

He who has a 'why' to live can bear almost any 'how' - Nietzsche

Mencari 'mengapa'. Saat ini, ada beberapa jawaban signifikan untuk 'mengapa', biarpun belum sampai pada tahap kedalaman filosofis tentang mengapa saya ada, mengapa saya hidup dan mengapa saya disini. Tapi hal-hal kecil (yang ternyata, besar dan berarti) terkadang sudah cukup menjadi alasan. Orang-orang tercinta, dan mimpi mimpi yang saya punya. Tentang 'bagaimana' -nya, saya yakin, jika si 'mengapa' ini cukup kuat, si 'bagaimana' ini akan menampakkan jalannya pada akhirnya. When the reason behind and the intention are right, I know that somehow things would just fall into place. No matter how scattered, how intangible, and how random it seems right now. Ini adalah sebuah harapan, tentang bagaimanapun hidup memperlakukan saya, jika saya cukup yakin dan percaya pada 'mengapa' , saya Insya Allah akan mampu menanggung si 'bagaimana' nya (Biarpun pasti awalnya ada panik, stress dan takut - normal human responses anyhow). Ribet? Saya kan memang ribet :p. Tabik!

ps: I am glad they have their 'why's, and seeing the way they bear with how life treats them, is inspiring. I am hoping to be a part of them, indeed.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Time Flies....

Si Mbul bermuka galak
Awal dia mulai diadopsi, umurnya 9 bulan dan beratnya 3kg. Terakhir cek ke vet sekaligus vaksin kb, Lista sudah 18 bulan dan beratnya....eng ing eng...5 kg saja dooong! Kata vet nya, berat maksimum kucing sebelum dikatagorikan obesitas adalah 5 kg. Untung kata bu vet yang baik, si Lista masih sehat-sehat aja kok, cuma memang beratnya sudah mencapai limit.  So my lil' baby is on the edge.. mesti dijaga dietnya deh! Akhir-akhir ini memang makannya agak banyak, tapi kayaknya itu gara-gara dia capek main di luar deh... *alesan* *denial*

Anak kecil, kamu yang sehat-sehat  terus ya... :)

Waktu Untuk Merindu

Ingat tulisan saya untuk kumpulan cerpen NBC Balikpapan? Alhamdulillah bukunya sudah live di dan bisa dipesan disini ^^.  
Ini sedikit excerpt dari buku kumpulan cerpen dari NBC Balikpapan... Enjoy!

Banyak waktu yang kita punya 

dan telah kita lalui ...

dalam setiap helaan nafas kita 
sejak terbangun dari lelap 
dan kembali keperaduan. 

Banyak rindu yang kita hela 
disetiap nafas hidup ini, 

entah itu pada sahabat, orang tua, 
sebuah tempat penuh kenangan 
atau bahkan  kekasih tercinta.

Nikmatilah waktu.
Rasailah rindu.

Manfaatkan waktu, 
sesekali untuk mengungkapkan rindu…


[Ini secuplik cerita dari buku kumpulan cerpen apik ini. Bisa juga di download dari sini]

45 Menit - Annisa F.Viramisyah

Suasana salah satu ruang tunggu bandar udara internasional itu tampak mulai ramai. Para calon penumpang pesawat mencoba membunuh waktu menunggu dengan melakukan berbagai hal. Beberapa sibuk berbincang, beberapa yang lainnya terlihat sibuk dengan diri mereka sendiri.
Seorang pria, tinggi besar, berwajah panjang, sudah semenjak tadi memperhatikan seorang wanita berjaket coklat yang duduk di sebuah kursi dekat jendela kaca. Ia tahu wanita itu, ia mengenali wajah itu, namun ia ragu. Tak lama, ia memberanikan diri menegurnya.
“Hai...” suara pria itu terdengar seperti pita kaset yang rusak. Sebagian dirinya tidak siap atau bahkan sebenarnya enggan menyapa. Wanita itu menoleh dari buku yang dari tadi menjadi perhatiannya. Dahinya berkerut sebentar sebelum akhinya tersenyum dan berkata, “Oh, kamu. Hai.”
Kamu. Siapapun bisa dipanggil dengan sebutan orang kedua tunggal itu. Tapi khusus untuk dirimu, aku menyebutnya dengan alasan yang jelas dan sederhana.

Last Monday - Wini Rizkiningayu
Aku terbangun dini pagi ini. Kumatikan weker yang berbunyi tepat pada saat adzan subuh sayup-sayup terdengar. Segarnya pagi yang belum tercium jilat panas mentari, menyeruak masuk ke kamarku saat kaca jendela kubuka perlahan. Matahari masih belum kelihatan, tapi sayup kicau burung sudah mulai memenuhi udara. Ah, ini adalah sedikit damai yang terlupakan. Harusnya dalam 29 tahun ini aku bangun lebih pagi. Aku kerahkan semua daya untuk mengusir kantuk yang tak mau pergi dan meraup air wudhu. Lalu kugelar sajadah putih pemberian ibuku untuk ulang tahunku minggu lalu. Kanjeng Gusti, terima kasih untuk pagi.
CNN Monday : Sebuah meteor baru ditemukan. Ia diberi nama Illumina309. Ukurannya yang hampir setengah planet bumi menjadikan ia sebuah objek angkasa yang dahsyat tapi juga indah. Diperkirakan, meteor ini akan melintasi tata surya dan menyuguhkan pemandangan fantastis bagi seluruh umat manusia. Pemandangan sekali seumur hidup ini akan menjadi sebuah perayaan bagi seluruh dunia.

Sang Pengantin - Ardestya
“Kriiiiing!” dering telepon membangunkanku dari beauty sleep pagi ini.
“Selamat pagi, Ibu. Wake up call pukul lima paginya,” suara renyah operator di seberang sana.
“Oke, Mbak. Terima kasih.”
Aku menggeliat meregangkan tubuhku untuk membangunkan otot yang telah beristirahat semalaman, lalu beranjak ke pintu menuju area beranda yang tertutup oleh tirai tebal berwarna krem.
Hotel ini sungguh dirancang dengan baik. Semua detail desainnya meneriakkan kemewahan yang berkelas. Mulai dari ruangan penyambutan tamu, hingga detail terkecil seperti linen yang lembut menyentuh kulit saat tidur, detail pinggiran tempat tidur, minyak aroma terapi yang dibakar di dalam ruangan, dan karpet tebalnya yang sekarang membelai jemari kakiku yang telanjang. Tapi semua keindahan itu tak seberapa dibandingkan dengan pemandangan yang menyapaku ketika tirai itu tersibak. Sebuah infinity pool terhampar ditengah-tengah taman yang tertata cantik dan berakhir di ujung tebing yang berada tepat di atas Samudera Hindia. Amazing!

Obrolan Traffic Light - Damar Restio
10 tahun yang lalu... Ya kira kira 10 tahun yang lalu, saya menginjakkan kedua kaki di suatu persimpangan waktu siang. Lama sempat saya berdiri di situ terdengar karena ada obrolan menarik Si Traffic Light. Si Lampu Merah, Si Lampu Kuning, Si Lampu Ijo.
Si Lampu Ijo: "Lihat lah temans, gagahnya saya ketika menyala… Semua kendaraan laju cepat nian."
Si Lampu Merah: "Eits… tunggu dulu kawan. Lihatlah aku ketika menyala… Semua harus berhenti dan kupersilakan orang orang untuk menyebrang. Hahahlaha."
Si Lampu Kuning: *diam saja*

Rindunya Rindu - Agni Giani
Ini yang aku suka dari Balikpapan. Langitnya yang selalu bersih, biru dengan awan putih bak kapas. Pantainya dimana-mana, tentu saja. Kota ini memanjang di sebagian garis pantai Kalimantan Timur. Siang ini aku suka. Memandang laut dari ruangan kerjaku. Hijau dedaunan dari pohon di samping jendela dan biru gelap laut berbatasan dengan terangnya biru langit yang disinari matahari tropis. Suasana ini yang akan kurindukan sampai kapanpun.
“Ehm, permisi,” suara seseorang mengembalikan aku ke 'bumi' setelah hampir 5 menit aku mengagumi lukisan alam yang indah di depanku hingga tersenyum sendiri. Bukan seseorang sih, aku sebenarnya tahu siapa yang datang ini.
“Ya...” jawabku sambil membalikkan badan ke arah pintu, tempat sumber suara berasal.
“Gimana?” dia bertanya sambil masih berdiri di ambang pintu.
“Apanya? Uhm masuk. Nggak bagus berdiri depan pintu begitu,” aku balik bertanya sambil menggerakkan tangan mempersilahkannya masuk. “Gimana, udah dibuka?” dia bertanya lagi. Kali ini dia sudah duduk di kursi sebelahku.


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Untuk Area Jabodetabek
Untuk Area Balikpapan dan Sekitarnya

Thanks to agni untuk info pemesanan (yang saya copas dari blognya..hehe maap ya neng :p)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Gifts

..and I thought,  two times driving me to ER in the middle of the nights on two different days (while he had important things to do the day after) and endless care for the whole week when I had my severe dispepsia was a great gift from patjar...and that is enough for me on welcoming the 26th year of my life.

But patjar turned out to be more than that. He (and his our friends) surprised me with an ice cream cake tart and candles on (almost) midnight. They wore a winnie the pooh party hat too. How sweet is that?

And the surprise did not stop there. At the office, I bought pizzas for my PTR colleagues. While we were eating, out of the blue patjar entered the room with (oh Lord) another delicious chocolate cake (with burning candles - which thank God did not reveal my age ;p) and more pizza. All of the people in the room were delightfully surprised and moi? Well, moi blushed and blushed and giggled like crazy. I blowed the candle, did a speech, and people teased me and patjar a lot. It ended with having almost all of the people from WGP celebrating my birthday (since there were plenty of pizza - I even managed to snag one to my French class later ;p).

Oh, I also got the early surprise from and old ex working colleague that used to work with me in the rig site (I remember him gave me a surprise cake on my birthday, on the rig, 3 years ago). He came to the office and gave me a big hug and warm wishes. It was a mood lifter, really :). On noon, I got a big package (of gift) from my family, delivered from home to my desk. It was beyond sweet when I opened the package and saw a wrapped gift :). I decided to not open it until I got home, though ;p. My friends also had been so considerate, congratulates me thru emails, calls, sms, twitters and fb. Those all sweetness made my day, seriously :)

After the French course, patjar picked me up and (again) being a sweetheart, took me to the internist at around 10-ish after we had dinner.

What more can I ask for?

Being 26, I am truly, indeed, grateful to Allah for all of the blessing. Sweet family, good job and career, and a loving patjar. Alhamdulillah :). And oh, I got two cute bags (God knows how old and need-to-be-replaced my current bag was) and few apparels from family. As from patjar? Well, as I said, what more can I ask for? Him being the sweetest one is already more than enough. Well I still hope for the "tujuan akhir" in the long run, though :p. Hihi, anyhoo, I am happy!  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Friday Five Setelah Sekian Lama...

Iya, iya, saya tau saya akhir-akhir ini malessssspun menulis blog. Life has been a hectic ticking clock. Karena beberapa hal, petrofisis aktif di tunu team tinggal 3 orang dan satu orang jadinya harus meng-handle 10-11 well untuk di interpretasi...ampun dijeee.. Belum lagi saya yang berdiri diatas 2 lempeng berbeda (hayah), satu kaki di tim tunu, satu kaki di data management. Entahlah ini bagaimana kedepannya, yang saya harapkan sih full time di data management petrofisis saja sembari menuntaskan backlog well tunu yang masih utang..hihi.

Here's my Friday five setelah sekian lama:

1. Rejeki nambah, jadi bisa nabung :p. Berita yang ditunggu-tunggu orang sekantor akhirnya terbukti kebenarannya. Walaupun nggak sama untuk setiap orang (tergantung performance appraisal siy katanya), tapi si rejeki ini nambah secara signifikan, dan pas tahu kalo nambah, rasanya hati meledak gembira seketika *lebay*. Hihihi, kayaknya bener deh kalo tahun ini saya dimudahkan buat nabung pelan-pelan buat si tujuan akhir. Catering mahal, yaaaa... :p  -> this point is being rebutted by patjar, saying : cateringnya bisa nyesuain budget. Tapi tetep kan mesti nabung....

2. Seperti yang saya bahas secara implisit di dua posting sebelumnya, life's been quite challenging dan saya diingatkan bahwa masalah memang nggak akan pernah habis. Anyway there's always good things amongst the trouble, no? There's a good news indeed, papi nya si patjar Alhamdulillah sudah pulang dari rs, makin sehat dan makin berselera makan. Saya super lega denger berita ini :)

3. Weekend's a bit lame, thanks to my ever-growling stomach. Yes, saya maag lagi, gara-gara maksa makan terlalu pedes dan kebanyakan pikiran. Illness mostly comes from (negative) minds, memang. Tapi patjar has been a jewel, he's very patience dan pengertian sama saya yang jadinya nggak bisa jalan-jalan lama. 

4. Kumpulan cerpen nulisbuku balikpapan is about to be launched! Saya deg-deg an, takut dan excited. Will be my very first time publishing my own (fictional) work. Hihihi, penasaran jadinya kaya apa deh. Dan saya pasti beli beberapa buat dibagiin ke patjar dan keluarga.

5. There's a decent cheese spinach ravioli, along with other (french) cuisine in Balikpapan. Agak pricey sih, tapi beneran worthed it! Sebelum otellobby buka cabang di balikpapan (yea rite), saya masih gapapa deh nabung-nabung buat makan ravioli dkk di resto kecil ini! Yum yum yummm!

This friday five is soooo random, I know!

On a lighter note, am starting to read (again) after a while. I begin with Kipling's Just So Stories, and somehow it reminds me why I love reading in general and reading children's book at the very first place. Here's one of my favorite poem (and riddle) from the book :

         China-going P. &  0.'s
         Pass Pau Amma's playground close,
         And his Pusat Tasek lies
         Near the track of most B.I.'s.
         N.Y.K. and N.D.L.
         Know Pau Amma's home as well
         As the Fisher of the Sea knows
         "Bens," M.M.'s and Rubattinos.
         But (and this is rather queer)
         A.T.L.'s can not come here;
         0. and 0. and D.0.A.
         Must go round another way.
         Orient, Anchor, Bibby, Hall,
         Never go that way at all.
         U.C.S. would have a fit
         If it found itself on it.
         And if "Beavers" took their cargoes
         To Penang instead of Lagos,
         Or a fat Shaw-Savill bore
         Passengers to Singapore,
         Or a White Star were to try a
         Little trip to Sourabaya,
         Or a B.S.A. went on
         Past Natal to Cheribon,
         The great Mr. Lloyds would come
         With a wire and drag them home!  

         .            .             .              .           .
          You will know what my riddle means
          When you've eaten mangosteens.

Notice the places and cities in the poem? (Yes, he even mention 'Sourabaya' ;p). Those weird abbreviations? They are names of ships and shipping company that sails in the far east and orient Asia. Oh yes, I am beyond ecstatically found on this book.