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The Mumbling bubles

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Gifts

..and I thought,  two times driving me to ER in the middle of the nights on two different days (while he had important things to do the day after) and endless care for the whole week when I had my severe dispepsia was a great gift from patjar...and that is enough for me on welcoming the 26th year of my life.

But patjar turned out to be more than that. He (and his our friends) surprised me with an ice cream cake tart and candles on (almost) midnight. They wore a winnie the pooh party hat too. How sweet is that?

And the surprise did not stop there. At the office, I bought pizzas for my PTR colleagues. While we were eating, out of the blue patjar entered the room with (oh Lord) another delicious chocolate cake (with burning candles - which thank God did not reveal my age ;p) and more pizza. All of the people in the room were delightfully surprised and moi? Well, moi blushed and blushed and giggled like crazy. I blowed the candle, did a speech, and people teased me and patjar a lot. It ended with having almost all of the people from WGP celebrating my birthday (since there were plenty of pizza - I even managed to snag one to my French class later ;p).

Oh, I also got the early surprise from and old ex working colleague that used to work with me in the rig site (I remember him gave me a surprise cake on my birthday, on the rig, 3 years ago). He came to the office and gave me a big hug and warm wishes. It was a mood lifter, really :). On noon, I got a big package (of gift) from my family, delivered from home to my desk. It was beyond sweet when I opened the package and saw a wrapped gift :). I decided to not open it until I got home, though ;p. My friends also had been so considerate, congratulates me thru emails, calls, sms, twitters and fb. Those all sweetness made my day, seriously :)

After the French course, patjar picked me up and (again) being a sweetheart, took me to the internist at around 10-ish after we had dinner.

What more can I ask for?

Being 26, I am truly, indeed, grateful to Allah for all of the blessing. Sweet family, good job and career, and a loving patjar. Alhamdulillah :). And oh, I got two cute bags (God knows how old and need-to-be-replaced my current bag was) and few apparels from family. As from patjar? Well, as I said, what more can I ask for? Him being the sweetest one is already more than enough. Well I still hope for the "tujuan akhir" in the long run, though :p. Hihi, anyhoo, I am happy!  

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