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The Mumbling bubles

Friday, November 25, 2011

Next, Patjie?


Aku ingin mengajakmu ke Ubud.
Menikmati tenang rintik di dua cangkir teh hangat yang diseruput
Menghela udara di sawah saat matahari terbit, lalu bersepeda bersamamu menuju arah kicau burung
Menyandarkan diri pada bahumu sambil bercerita
(mungkin mencoba ikut kelas yoga)
Menikmati cafe dan dansa, serta gelak tawa
Dan membiarkan malam menyelimuti kita dengan haru cinta

Lain kali,
(Jika ada rezeki),
Aku ingin sekali mengajakmu kesana.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

(Late) Fascination

Each of my female (and male) friend know that I am not at all a make-up person. I was working on oilfield before, and by all means since there's only a few of female worker on the rig (usually just me and a female geologist) therefore I used to dress in the most decent way, trying not to draw any attention at all. Well, my blue coverall was definitely unattractive anyway. The only face product I used back then is a sunblock lotion and lip butter (my lips chopped easily) , and somehow this doesn't get better once I gave up my field job and move to the office-based operation. My daily put-ons are just loose powder. No face lotion or face foundation, no blush on, no eye shadows and such. Well, I use a lip-and-cheek tint from time, but only If either I'm not lazy or I don't forget to use one. Somehow I feel that my sleeping time is precious and I wont sacrifice 5-10 minutes only to put on some silly make up. Le Sigh, I know.

This doesn't mean I'm not interested in make up, though. I just feel that make up is like a toy - you need to dedicate sometime to play on with it, to reveal the fun and to master it. Soooo.....I'm gonna dedicate a time this weekend to play with this :

Tergoda beli di sini

Mwahahahahhahahaha! *it's a panic laugh - don't be fooled*  - my 2nd make up buying, after quite a while. My female besties must be proud of me :p

This look fool-proof for me, so a clueless chick like me should be able to put it on no? Well, let's see whether this can change me pale, flat eyes into a smokin' one.

And no, (in case you wonder), I'm still not ready to gave up my daily extra 5-10 minutes sleeping time to put on some make up. Yet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jadi, Januari.

Januari, be nice ya...

Alhamdulillah, thanks a bunch Big Guy :). Semoga semua dilancarkan jalannya, semoga dimudahkan, semoga semua yang diharapkan bisa pelan pelan terwujud, Amin. Slowly, but sure, dearie..

Et pour toi, merci beaucoup. Je crois en toi, mon cher :).

and oh...

J'ai de la chance :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Friday Five!

Yihaaa! Akhirnya nulis the friday five! Apa itu friday five? saya nyontek dari blognya mbak Laila yang ternyata juga terinspirasi dari blog temennya, dan si pencetus asli dari gerakan the friday five itu adalah blog the friday five ini. What a sweet family :) . Jadi, the friday five adalah recap 5 hal tentang kejadian seminggu ini, yang ditulis pada hari jum'at. Si Lima Jum'at lah kalo mau diterjemahin. Ide ini buat saya amat menyegarkan karena, well, saya adalah si penulis malas. Friday Five ini bisa jadi topik yang membuat ada postingan baru di blog saya paling gak seminggu sekali.

So here goes my friday five list:

1. I've been drinking water healthily for the whole weeks. Gara-garanya, minggu sebelumnya saya sakit  aneh di perutdi kanan bawah. Curiganya sih asam lambung saya yang udah parah, dan dasar saya males, memutuskan untuk gak ke dokter. Tapi si patjar siaga insist kalo saya mesti ke internist malem itu juga . Hasilnya? Bukan cuma si maag dan asam lambung, tapi saya diduga infeksi saluran kencing. Widiw. Pas med check terakhir siy memang ada dugaan yang sama, tapi dasar saya ndablek, saya diemin. Yah, mungkin ini cara Yang Diatas ngasih tahu saya untuk minum air secara teratur dan lebih ngejaga badan. Sama si dokter baikhati cuma dikasi antibiotik plus disuruh minum air putih yang cukup, kalo dalam tiga hari nggak membaik disuruh balik. Alhamdulillahnya, saya nggak mesti balik kesana. Oh iya, ternyata ada rumus intake air minimum yang mesti kita minum per hari nya lho! Jadi untuk rentang usia  25-55 tahun, intake air putih per hari adalah 35mL/kg Berat badan. Jadi tinggal dikalikan saja, misal berat : 60kg, intake minimum air putih per harinya adalah 35ml x 60 kg=2100 ml. 

2. Saya ngasih kejutan boneka crocodile (tepatnya, si Louie dari film disney, princess and the frog). Well, he's been wanting to have a crocodile doll for quite a long time tapi takut dibilang gak macho. Dan pas weekend kemarin jalan jalan ke Gramedia dan liat si buaya, me and patjar thought that the doll has hillarious expression. Tapi lagi lagi, si patjar meragu. yaudahlah senen siang nya saya beliin :p. And guess what, he loves it *fiuhh*

Penampakan patjar+si buaya delta mahakam :p

3. My baby sister got her 1st job!! She got accepted as a trainee logistic in one of Japanese company. All I can say is that Alhamdulillah, I am a proud sister ^^. Welcome to the club, sis! Pas denger berita ini dari orang tua saya, entah kenapa saya pengen sujud syukur saat itu juga. Si adik kecil akhirnya akan mulai merasakan dunia kerja dan semua intrik-intriknya! Jadi pengen ngajak doi jalan-jalan weekend ini buat nyari office attire deh! *alesan mau blanja*

4. Mom+Dad went to Blitar for my cousin's wedding. Orangtua saya ini usianya sudah tergolong senior, tapi teteeeeep...kalo soal jalan-jalan berdua gak terkalahkan. And what I'm saying is not the-kind-of-comfy-luxury-travelling, tapi travelling naik kereta dan bis. Masya Allah, gimana saya gak khawatir?!?! tapi mereka mah tetep santai..dan beneran berangkat pakai kereta api. T_T Untung setelah dirayu rayu, pulang ke Jakarta nya mereka mau pake pesawat (ermm..tetep pulangnya naik bis dari Blitar  ke Surabaya siy, lalu naik pesawat dari Surabaya. Hadeuh...). Itu juga rasanya karena saya bakal pulang ke Jakarta weekend ini. Ampun...jiwa mudanya gak terkalahkan mereka mah! Semoga aja sepulangnya dari nikahan si sepupu  saya gak ditanya tanya "Kapan?. Amin. *CrossingFinger*

5. Saya (dan patjar) akan menghabiskan weekend+2 di Jakarta. Di rumah masing-masing tentunya. Semoga tahun depan sudah bisa sah bareng-bareng kemana-mana ya patjsky, Amien. ;) Anyhoo agenda pulang kali ini agak hectic. Saya mau nengokin baby Nikha di Buaran, plus jalan-jalan sama adek adek dan sepupu sepupu...makanya lagi cari mall yang baby friendly tapi saya tetep bisa ngeceng. Halah. Habis itu, kalo sempet dan kalo gak penuh  saya pengen potong rambut dan make over rambut. So far pilihannya either Irwan team di GI atau OnePiece salon yang happening itu. Kalo dua-duanya penuh ya back to Tony and Guy di PS :p. Tapi agenda paling penting dari pulang kali ini adalah.....................jeng jeng...... bayar pajak tahunan STNK sodara-sodara. Nasib punya plat B di Balikpapan..mesti pulang pergi ngurus pajaknya. Oh iya, selama di Jekarda juga pengen ngeteh cantik sama besties neng Ve yang bakal transfer ke Tunisie dan bumil Putri, plus genk gonk lainnya. Semoga bisaaa!

Ps: Reminder to self - cek kapan si Lista (kucing kami) mesti disuntik kb lagi. Daripada tiba2 hamidun dan ketanggungan kittens yang gak sanggup rawatnya?!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holding my breath and hoping...

Me and patjaw are gonna spend this weekend + 2 weekdays at home. Anything can happen. But I'm crossing my finger and pray, so that what we've wanted can manifest into words, or better, actions. I know we're stepping slowly but sure. Like patjaw said, it's a bumpy road already, so the least we can do is to make it as comfortable as possible for both of us.

Big Guy, I know that You know. I know that You've got it all planned already. I know that You want me to learn to be patient, to be persistent, and to master the art of waiting :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Danke Schatz..

Terimakasih ya bibsky,

For the effort last night..
For still being cautious and taking me to the internist when I insisted that I don't need one
For driving me there and back home..and for bearing with my over-sensitive over-demanding self
For being there through my bad times and say no word about it
For making me promise that I will take a good care of myself regardless anything
For being mad but yet still, full of love and attention
For being you.

 Wov Pacawsky... So much

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Berita Pagi ini

...adalah si Patjar di approve school MENG-3 nya di Houston. Untungnya kali ini trainingnya gak lama-lama banget , sekitar 2 minggu. Sedih dikit siy tadi pagi, tapi gak boleh cengeng. Lagian masih April tahun depan, and I have him all year long this year anyway :p Well, will be missing him a LOT, but also won't miss a chance to get some paper crafting tools from US this time! Patjaaar, siap-siap bawaannya banyak ya!! hihihi!

The Good Ol' Tumblr of Mine... back to life!! Blimey and my new toy Galaxy s2, I can't stop taking picture and editing it. Enjoy the pics at! Ciao!

Disclaimer: Tolong jangan eneg kalo liat banyak banget foto si Patjar, foto kucing dan foto saya bertebaran :p


1 Month to go to our December trip!!!! Can't can't can't wait. Me and Patjar haven't had a decent holiday (except for Ied, for sure, but that's with family) and Vincent's wedding on xinjiapo this December is just a perfect moment for us to have a holiday trip! It's gonna be fun since we're gonna spend it with my HYLI malaysian friends and some of Patjar's ENG 1 friend (if they're not at the rig...crossing finger...) The itsy bitsy for lodging is done (yes, we're doing it in backpacker's style) , gift for the wedding is on its way, and itineraries are planned already. The complete Malaysian HYLI will be coming from KL and Ariff+wifey will be flying from down under. I am now hoping that John or Glenn can make it from manila so we'll have the Pinoy HYLI (since it'd be quite impossible to fly in Donald or Wain+wifey from US). Ah..another wedding reunion for me and my HYLI friends :)

On the side of the dish, I am finishing my two short stories, submitted to NBC Balikpapan (Nulis Buku Club Balikpapan). Writing fiction has never been my strong side, but I thought I'll just give it a shot, and ended up with two pieces . One is inspired by a poem I wrote couple years back, the other one is inspired by a side story in a manga I read back when I was a kid. This whole writing thingy makes me kinda nervous, actually, considering how I never show my piece of writings to other people (besides poems, of course. But poems is entirely different stories from usual fiction). It's 2 days before deadline and I've submitted mine already. Hope the NBC folks will like it. Hope they wont be harsh in giving feedbacks. Hope that this can be a stepping stone for me to start write fiction :D

In a wrap, November in Balikpapan will be windy and gloomy, with some kicks of rain, but just like Patjar said, warmth is something that begin at heart :) Have a nice November !

Thursday, November 3, 2011

When you asked me..

..whether I would support your decision for this future-career related thingy, what can I say except that I got your back?

Needless to say that I'll go wherever it is with you, as long as we're together. :)