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The Mumbling bubles

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Friday Five Setelah Sekian Lama...

Iya, iya, saya tau saya akhir-akhir ini malessssspun menulis blog. Life has been a hectic ticking clock. Karena beberapa hal, petrofisis aktif di tunu team tinggal 3 orang dan satu orang jadinya harus meng-handle 10-11 well untuk di interpretasi...ampun dijeee.. Belum lagi saya yang berdiri diatas 2 lempeng berbeda (hayah), satu kaki di tim tunu, satu kaki di data management. Entahlah ini bagaimana kedepannya, yang saya harapkan sih full time di data management petrofisis saja sembari menuntaskan backlog well tunu yang masih utang..hihi.

Here's my Friday five setelah sekian lama:

1. Rejeki nambah, jadi bisa nabung :p. Berita yang ditunggu-tunggu orang sekantor akhirnya terbukti kebenarannya. Walaupun nggak sama untuk setiap orang (tergantung performance appraisal siy katanya), tapi si rejeki ini nambah secara signifikan, dan pas tahu kalo nambah, rasanya hati meledak gembira seketika *lebay*. Hihihi, kayaknya bener deh kalo tahun ini saya dimudahkan buat nabung pelan-pelan buat si tujuan akhir. Catering mahal, yaaaa... :p  -> this point is being rebutted by patjar, saying : cateringnya bisa nyesuain budget. Tapi tetep kan mesti nabung....

2. Seperti yang saya bahas secara implisit di dua posting sebelumnya, life's been quite challenging dan saya diingatkan bahwa masalah memang nggak akan pernah habis. Anyway there's always good things amongst the trouble, no? There's a good news indeed, papi nya si patjar Alhamdulillah sudah pulang dari rs, makin sehat dan makin berselera makan. Saya super lega denger berita ini :)

3. Weekend's a bit lame, thanks to my ever-growling stomach. Yes, saya maag lagi, gara-gara maksa makan terlalu pedes dan kebanyakan pikiran. Illness mostly comes from (negative) minds, memang. Tapi patjar has been a jewel, he's very patience dan pengertian sama saya yang jadinya nggak bisa jalan-jalan lama. 

4. Kumpulan cerpen nulisbuku balikpapan is about to be launched! Saya deg-deg an, takut dan excited. Will be my very first time publishing my own (fictional) work. Hihihi, penasaran jadinya kaya apa deh. Dan saya pasti beli beberapa buat dibagiin ke patjar dan keluarga.

5. There's a decent cheese spinach ravioli, along with other (french) cuisine in Balikpapan. Agak pricey sih, tapi beneran worthed it! Sebelum otellobby buka cabang di balikpapan (yea rite), saya masih gapapa deh nabung-nabung buat makan ravioli dkk di resto kecil ini! Yum yum yummm!

This friday five is soooo random, I know!

On a lighter note, am starting to read (again) after a while. I begin with Kipling's Just So Stories, and somehow it reminds me why I love reading in general and reading children's book at the very first place. Here's one of my favorite poem (and riddle) from the book :

         China-going P. &  0.'s
         Pass Pau Amma's playground close,
         And his Pusat Tasek lies
         Near the track of most B.I.'s.
         N.Y.K. and N.D.L.
         Know Pau Amma's home as well
         As the Fisher of the Sea knows
         "Bens," M.M.'s and Rubattinos.
         But (and this is rather queer)
         A.T.L.'s can not come here;
         0. and 0. and D.0.A.
         Must go round another way.
         Orient, Anchor, Bibby, Hall,
         Never go that way at all.
         U.C.S. would have a fit
         If it found itself on it.
         And if "Beavers" took their cargoes
         To Penang instead of Lagos,
         Or a fat Shaw-Savill bore
         Passengers to Singapore,
         Or a White Star were to try a
         Little trip to Sourabaya,
         Or a B.S.A. went on
         Past Natal to Cheribon,
         The great Mr. Lloyds would come
         With a wire and drag them home!  

         .            .             .              .           .
          You will know what my riddle means
          When you've eaten mangosteens.

Notice the places and cities in the poem? (Yes, he even mention 'Sourabaya' ;p). Those weird abbreviations? They are names of ships and shipping company that sails in the far east and orient Asia. Oh yes, I am beyond ecstatically found on this book. 

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